Hong Kong Lingnan University – 52nd Congregation

日期:25 Nov 2021
长度:1 hour 30 minutes
地点:Hong Kong Baptist University
平台:HERMES Live Platform & YouTube
客户:Hong Kong Lingnan University

Lingnan University (LU) held its 52nd Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on the 25 November. This year the University conferred degrees on 1,358 graduates, of whom 640 were undergraduates, 615 masters, 20 doctors, and 83 postgraduate diploma holders. To facilitate the virtual participation of graduates unable to attend in person, the whole ceremony was broadcast live, and the names of all graduates shown on the screen during the ceremony.

  • Provide a digital platform for students to participate their graduation ceremony virtually under the pandemic period.
  • Break the geographic barrier by video streaming the graduation ceremony for students in mainland to enjoy this precious moment of their own.
  • Facilitate the flexibility of events held by diverse academic institutions. Whether it is varied from tutoring centers, primary or secondary schools to universities, people can participate critical events at any time and enjoy seamless, high-quality, stable and smooth live streaming services.

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