Hong Kong Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremony

日期:22 May 2021
長度:2 hours
地點:Li Po Chun United World College School Hall
平台:LPCUWC Webpage with HERMES Live embedded player
客戶:Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong

Graduation season comes at an epidemiologically perilous point, which poses a complex challenge to all education institutions. Graduation is a milestone that marks life-changing accomplishments for many graduates. Having their families and friends witnessing the graduation ceremony brings a remarkable memory for each of the graduates. We are pleased that OCGL was entrusted by Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong (LPCUWC), as their live broadcasting technology partner of the critical graduation ceremony for four consecutive years. Leveraging our technology to record and share the unforgotten moment with their closed ones.

  • Facilitate a seamless and smooth virtual graduation ceremony reaching to overseas audiences, ensuring the stability and precision of the event’s progress.
  • Support multiple value-added features, including media uploading of PowerPoint and videos, customise picture-in-picture embedded in Zoom conferences for parents to join in and cheer for their loved ones, enhancing the interaction with the graduates.
  • Enable family and friends of graduates to participate the online ceremony in real time regardless of any district limitation under the epidemic period.

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